Raphael Schaad
Flipboard Briefing

Flipboard Briefing is the news app integrated into the OS for all Samsung Galaxy Note 4 devices world-wide. It is built and powered by Flipboard, and in this collaboration with Samsung I lead the design, prototyped interactions, and managed the production within a 3 months timeframe.
 Flipboard Briefing during the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 announcement:


To describe my process, I show select artifacts of several stages of the development. One can discover specific ideas developing through each stage up to the final product.

In the initial phase, sketching serves two main purposes: it helps to communicate ideas efficiently to other people for further discussion and it is the first step in developing specific screens and interactions without already committing to them.


When designing specific screens, high-fidelity mockups with real data paint the clearest picture and help during engineering. Having engineered complex interfaces myself, I write specs as a designer that describe the complex dimension of an idea beyond its mockup, useful for engineers during implementation.

Feed design to the left, with its detail spec to the right:


For custom user flows, interactive prototyping is important to go beyond static mockups. This is where I fully leverage my engineering background to program prototypes that explore completely new interactions or move an experience from “works” to “delightful”.

Managing production involves many tasks such as coordinating, exporting assets, or even cutting features, to assure quality and deliver a great end result. “Real artists ship” —Steve Jobs